I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Friday, November 24, 2017
Deadly snakes
Deadly snakes
Kia Ora my name is Shanarnia. Have you ever heard of snakes? If you haven't heard about snakes I can tell you about snakes. Like what they eat and where they live and how they grow and how they have baby .
How they grow?
Do you know that snakes can grow up to 3.9 metres or be as short as 10 centimeters long. The largest snakes can reach up to 9 meters.
Where they live?
Do you want to know where snakes live? I will tell you where snakes live they live in Greenland, Australia, UK and America, Mexico.
What does a snake eat?
Do you want to know that Snakes can eat any animal. Snakes eat eggs, birds, rodents, deer, pigs and people.
How can snakes have baby?
Female snakes produce young about twice per year. In some species babies are born alive. Other species lay eggs. Snakes can have anywhere from one to 150 baby snakes at a time.
How can snakes hear?
Snakes have no visible ear, so they don't hear sounds as we do. But it's not quite right to say that snakes are deaf. They have vestiges of the apparatus for hearing inside their heads, and that setup is attached to their jaw bones, so they feel vibrations very well and may hear low-frequency airborne sounds.
How snakes move?
Snakes have four ways of moving around. Since they don't have legs they use their muscles and their scales to do the "walking". Serpentine method: This motion is what most people think of when they think of snakes. Snakes will push off of any bump or other surface, rocks, trees, etc, to get going.
Snakes jaw?
The jaws of the snake are not fused together. That means that unlike our jaws, snake jaws are not connected at the back of their mouths. This makes it possible for them to eat very big meals, bigger than their own heads! That would be like you swallowing a whole watermelon!
If you had your mouth full of a watermelon, do you think you could breathe? Not likely!
Snakes can. They have a little tube at the bottom of their mouth that comes out far enough to get air when the rest of their mouth is full.
In conclusion
Some people don’t like snakes because they bite you so hard. They swallow you down like a big watermelon. I love snakes because they eat any animals like for example pigs or deer.
Some people from different Islands they like to eat snakes. I haven’t try a snake before but I would like to try one.
By Shanarnia
Friday, November 10, 2017
W.A.L.T Read the instructions then we are going to teach you how to play BOLD.
This week and the past few weeks we learnt how to play some games. We got some games from the Warehouse. Because the Warehouse donated some money to us so we can buy some games. So our teacher decided to buy some games for us to play with. We just wanted to say thank you to the Warehouse people. Me and Khaylanie decided to play a game that we haven't played yet. So we picked a game called BOLD because it looked really cool.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Last day of Canterbury Swim School
Today is the last day for swimming lessons at Canterbury Swim School. We had to put clothes on in the pool. Then we had to take our clothes off in the pool but we had out togs underneath. This showed us how heavy our clothes would get if we fell in the water.
We also tried saving people using noodles. In my team I had Meleana. She was pretending to drown in the water. I wan't to achieve blow under water.
We also tried saving people using noodles. In my team I had Meleana. She was pretending to drown in the water. I wan't to achieve blow under water.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Canterbury Swim School
This term we are starting swimming lesson for two week . We got on the big bus. We learn to do free style on the board then we did without the board .My instructor name was Andrew he was wearing a green top and a cap .In my group we had Nature,Sophie,Tom ,Shalizeh, Tahnesha. I wan't to achieve blowing under water.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Maori word
W.A.L.T Say some new Maori word. In the super readers we have been read a book called Mossie.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Partly cloudy
Partly cloudy
One sunny day I saw stork flying through the sky carrying babies and cute animals.The sky was light blue like an ocean. We went back up to the sky and watched the cotton candy clouds making cutest animals. I saw a really cutest puppy it had chubby cheek and big brown eye. The storks carry the puppy all the way to his new kennel.
There was a big sad lonely cloud. He made some bad animals. He made a crocodile, a hedgehog and a goat. The lonely cloud was about to make a shark.I got really angry at the stork . I was crying out loud because the stork went to the cotton candy cloud to get some protection.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Adventures are the pits.
One terrible day I was at McDonald's, I felt anxious and terrified. I had goosebumps it hurts so bad it felt like I was going to cry but I held my tears. I didn’t want to go down the scary slide.
I went down the scary slide. I fell into the ball pit it was pitch dark. The ball thudded on my head hard and it hurt so bad. The ball hit my head. I had a sticky lollipop on my icky face. I tried to rip the lollipop off my face.There was a skeleton at the bottom of the ball pit.
I nearly fell off the edge of the ball pit. I keep climbing up and falling down. This stinky plaster landed on my face. I tried my best to climb back up and this sticky lollipop helped me climb back up. I ate the purple sticky lollipop.
Friday, September 8, 2017
The piano
It was a dark night. I was playing the on piano that my wife gave me . I was playing the piano loud as I can play. I was sad and lonely . I sit straight on the comfortable chair on my own. I just realized that I was sitting next to my wife.
She was a ghost. I loved her so much when she died in the war. She kissed me then she disappeared.The next part of the song was when I was in the war. Then It made me really happy to see my best friend who died. He was the only friend that I had . I was still playing the piano and I couldn’t stop.
I was a little kid I got a present for my mum and dad. It was a fake wooden horse. I was ride the horse around the piano.We were playing the piano together.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
W.A.L.T. perform on stage.
Wednesday night we all went to the Hornby High School and performed on the stage. It was extremely amazing. I felt nervous and scared before my performance. In my group we were dancing and lipsing to Slice of Heaven. I was really proud of myself. It was fun that the lights changed colours as we danced. My favourite performance was room 3. They did the Flintstones. It was cool that mum came to watch me and my mum is coming to watch me again. I was proud of myself.
Thursday night we all went to the Hornby High School and perform again. It was amazing and fun. I felt scared before our performance stated. In my group we had Brooke, Sam, Sage, Jasper, Corbyn, Tasharn, Dominique, Mikaya. At the end of our performance the Pacifica people did the sasa. I am in the Pacifica group. The boys were doing there Samoan haka. The girls were dancing. The Philippine people were doing their dancing.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Making a model about bees.
In the Super Readers we have been making a model about bees. We have been reading a book called the buzz of the bees. I have lean't that bees can collect nectar from flowers.
Monday, August 21, 2017
WALT write a narrative through the eyes of one of the crew, or robots.
- Describe the setting in detail.Think about words to describe the situation, what you see, smell, taste, hear. Try to use words that create the mood.
- Now…..Write a first person narrative through the eyes of one of the crew or one of the robots. How you are feeling when the boat is invaded by pirates.
One day I was in a old boat sailing across the sea, I was drinking my coffee then I saw people coming towards me.They were on a small boat they grabbed a humongous heavy anchor they put it on the boat.The bad guy said to the captain give me the key and the captain gave the key to the bad guy. They were grabbing my people then they went to the big container to looking for the robots. The robots came out of the container to rescue us, there were lots of robots attacking the bad guys.
Stan Walker
In Ako Ngatahi's we have been doing NZ music mouth I did Stan Walker.
Friday, August 4, 2017
Hornby Primary school Extravaganza
This is our performance extravaganza. It is on Wednesday the 30th or Thursday 31th of August the time will be at 6.30pm.This will be at Hornby High School. Tickets cost a gold coin are available from the HPS office from Monday 28th August. There are a small number of tickets for sale on the night so get in soon!
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Buster the Boxer
It was night time before Christmas I was sitting on the ground watching my owner jumping on her soft bed.
Then I saw the dad making the new trampoline it was very cold. I was looking outside the big sliding door window.
I saw some animals jumping on the new trampoline they
were communicating with each other.
The orange fox said, “this is really fun.”
The other fox is Tom. He said “that the new trampoline was fun.”
The black and white skunk said, “the trampoline is fantastic.”
The Hedgehog said, “that new trampoline is so fun.”
The squirrel said, “this is fun. “
They decided to leave the trampoline because they were tired after all the jumping.
Then it was morning I ran down the stairs.
When they opened the big sliding door window I quickly ran out and I jumped on the new trampoline.
I was really happy and excited and I never wanted to stop jumping.
My owner was disgusted and not happy.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
Time telling
W.A.L.T Do quarter past on the clock.
Monday, July 31, 2017
How to make a good blog comment
We are learning how to interact online in a kind, positive and helpful way.
Learning how to leave quality blog comments is an important part of having a blog. It teaches us how to interact with others online and enables us to continue growing our positive digital footprint.
How to Write a Quality Comment!
1 Tips for writing quality comments!
2.Tips add new information!
3.Tips make a connection!
4.Tips end with a question!
5.Tips proofread your comment!
before you comment watch this video and you can learn how to comment to people blog.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Amazing crop circles
W.A.L.T create a model that shares something we have learnt about our mystery. In room 11/12 we have been learning about our mystery. My mystery is about crop circles, how we made our crop circles, what we did is we grabbed a paper and then we traced it around the paper . In my group we had Meleana, Tehya and me. We worked on our crop circle.
Friday, June 30, 2017
My Mysterious speech DLO
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
My mysterious about crop circles.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Shanarnia learning goal
This is my Learning Goals about what I have bean learning about. I will be showing mum tonight I`m going to try hard to achieve them .
Friday, March 31, 2017
Spencer park
W.A.L.T Create an original sculpture using objects found on the beach.
on Friday rooms 1, 2, 3, 10 and rooms 11,12 went to Spencer park and we got some stuff on the beach. We had to create our own sculpture. In the other class they created there own like a gun and fishing rod and boat.
My sculpture is a swing because if I swing it around it look like a person swinging.
on Friday rooms 1, 2, 3, 10 and rooms 11,12 went to Spencer park and we got some stuff on the beach. We had to create our own sculpture. In the other class they created there own like a gun and fishing rod and boat.
My sculpture is a swing because if I swing it around it look like a person swinging.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Spencer park
W.A.L.T Write an information report that informs the audience.
Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
- I use an opening statement that explains the subject of the report.
- The opening statement is followed by sentences that describe the event; what you saw, what you did, how you felt, what you learnt.
- Each paragraph focuses on a different aspect of the topic; travelling, the beach, the lagoon walk, playground.
- A general statement about the topic usually rounds off the report
Spencer park
Last week our class room went to Spencer park and we play on the playground and went on the walk and we learn about the Lagoon walk on the beach and i was happy to go to Spencer park. I went with my mum in the car.
First my group was playing on the playground it was a nice day at Spencer park. I play on the flying fox and on the field.
Next my group went on the beach and we pick up some stick and shell and I took off my shoe and I dip my feet in the water and luck.
Last we learnt about the spider nest because it need to protect they on family.
The teachers for our group, Whea Heather and Mrs Scott chose a spot to put our bags down. We opened our plastic bags from our bag and wrote our name. After the teachers told us the instructions
we set out to find a driftwood and 10 other sea treasures. When I set out to find the sea treasures I found 15 sea shells and a driftwood. While looking for some sea treasures some of the people found a Blue Bottle Jellyfish. We learnt not to touch the Blue Bottle Jellyfish because it can sting you. After
looking at the sea treasures we had Morning Tea. Some people finished Morning Tea earlier so we had to play at the sand near the sea. Some people made sandcastles, caves and other things.
The teachers for our group, Whea Heather and Mrs Scott chose a spot to put our bags down. We opened our plastic bags from our bag and wrote our name. After the teachers told us the instructions
we set out to find a driftwood and 10 other sea treasures. When I set out to find the sea treasures I found 15 sea shells and a driftwood. While looking for some sea treasures some of the people found a Blue Bottle Jellyfish. We learnt not to touch the Blue Bottle Jellyfish because it can sting you. After
looking at the sea treasures we had Morning Tea. Some people finished Morning Tea earlier so we had to play at the sand near the sea. Some people made sandcastles, caves and other things.
Ako Ngatahi,
Report writing Term 1,
Spencer park.
Friday, March 17, 2017
Being safety around dog
WALT. to make connections to our prior knowledge, books we have already read and things that happen in the real world. WALT. learning to put new ideas from the text with my prior knowledge or other text to develop new ideas and understandings.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
The present.
In the past weeks our class (Ako Ngatahi) were writing a short story about a video titled “The Present”. It was a story about a boy who got a present and it was a puppy. After he discovered that the puppy only had three legs.
Here is the video, I assume that you might enjoy the video and maybe my writing too bye!
W.A.L.T: Write a narrative
Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
- The title is suitable for the text.
- The orientation tells who the story is about, and when and where the story happened.
- The complication describes a problem and explains what happened next.
- The resolution explains how the problem was solved.
The present.
When mum give me a dog in the box it had three leg I was playing on my PlayStation 4 I kick the dog away and it run into the Cupboard and it find a red ball under the cupboard and my dog give me the ball and he wanted to play outside with me and when i Notice that's the dog had three leg and he notice that i had one leg and who am i feel so sad and lonely i didn't know that I feel so angry.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
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