
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Goal Setting

Hello guys so on Monday we created our goal setting document. We wrote about what we want to achieve by the end of the term and the end of the year. 

 Will you think I will achieve my goals?

Name: Shanarnia

Class:  Tz

Term: 4


Greatest achievement from term  year: 

Playing sports 


Subjects taken this term:



Hurumanu 1 (Sustainability)


Hurumanu 2 (Science) 


Hurumanu 8 (Health)


Hurumanu 7 (Pe) 





Business Studies




Academic Goals 

Short term (this term):4


I will like to learn 20 new words in Japanese

I will never give up when I don't want to

I can understand about sustainability more 


I will like to finish all my work 

I will like to focus on my work

Reading 10 books 

Non-academic goal (can be out of school):

My goal out of school is to play rugby, netball, basketball, Volleyball .

 I would like to play more sports after school.

What are my learning strengths

(Refer to Year 10 Graduate Profile)

What are my learning work ons

(Refer to Year 10 Graduate Profile)

  • Active Learners

  • I am actively engaged in my learning

  • I can source information and break it into parts to clarify understanding.

Socially Responsive

(ethically, morally & culturally)

  • I understand and respect my own, my peers, and my school’s culture #manahoromaka

  • I show awareness of tikanga and can act appropriately in different social settings

  • I acknowledge and value the beliefs and opinions of others and show respect when they are different from my own.

How will I achieve this?

I will achieve this by … Trying my best and speaking  up so everyone can hear me when i'm talking .So they can hear my ideas.  I will try my very best to do it. But I will keep on going. 

Wellbeing - (this will be filled in later in the term after some learning around this has occurred)

Students will be asked to come up with a plan around how they could improve their wellbeing and ideas on how to measure this so they know improvements are happening.

What do I do for fun in my own time?  What do I do for fun?  Play a lot of sports after school

What do we do at school after our wellbeing ? Go home and look after my sister's kids and help around the house. 

End of term reflection


  1. Bonjour Shanarnia,
    What an awesome blog post about your goal settings for this term. I like that your blog post is easy to read and bold so your readers have your attention. I like the goal about finishing you work. What goal is your favorite and why? BYE

  2. kia Ora shanarnia This is out of this world work it knocked me out of the park.These goals are amazing.I like how you said playing sports and listing your favorite sports.nothing to improve
    kind regards


Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or Ask a question you want to know more about