
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My worst day ever (draft)

W.A.L.T recall  events through the eyes of an animal.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when my recount has a
  • Title
  • Orientation:  When? Who? Where? Why?
  • Sequence of events:  What happened?
  • Personal Comment:  How did the events make you feel?

First Draft
                  My Worst day ever.

It is a sunny day in the African Savannah and I'm very
Excited because in my new place my papa and my mama are the biggest buffalo ever. I’m just a calf but one day I'm gonna be a big buffalo and I’m always safe with my dad.

It was a sunny day in the African Savannah and I felt warm from the sun. I could see some delicious buffalo walking along the river. Yum I see some lunch! I heard my lion friend starting to roar and then we chased the buffalo. I grabbed a baby calf by the body with my sharp teeth and sharp claws.  They caught  the baby calf  

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

At Orana Park                     By Shanarnia

On Thursday, Ako Ngatahi went to Orana Park. I saw some gorillas and I learnt that they eat vegetables. They have got big hands. They’ve got big legs and black nails.

I also saw a king lion and a lioness and the king lion was eating meat. Lions have got sharp claws and sharp teeth.

I saw a peacock and it had a big tail with blue and green colours on it.

The teacher told me that kiwi can hunt at night using their beaks to smell and their eyes can see in the dark. They get their legs to move things about on the ground. They have to watch out for dangerous animals like possums and rats.  

Friday, May 6, 2016

Battle at Kruger National Park Sequence

W.A.L.T recall events in order.

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The herd of buffalo are walking along the river bank.
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A pride of of lions are resting in the sun
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The lions see the buffalo  and crouch to hide.
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The lions start chasing the buffalo.
The lions  tackle  a  baby buffalo in the water and a crocodile tries to steal it.
The buffalo came to find the baby .
Now the buffalo’s  attack the lions with  their horns.
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The baby Buffalo is rescued by the herd of buffalo.