
Friday, March 20, 2020

CARR card values

                         CARR card values 

Hi, guys today me and my friends made a poster about the CARR Values then we made it into a video for you guys to see and know our Hornby High School values. The values we have are Commitment, Achievement, Resilience and Respect. Do you guys have any values in your school? BYE!  

Friday, March 13, 2020

Shanrnia goal setting

Kia ora ! I just wanna share my Year 9 Setting Goal This Year. Mostly this is about This Term 1 but some are whole year goal. Here have a look:

Year 9 Wānanga Goal Setting
Name: Shanarnia
Class:  7/8/9TZ 
Term: 1
Greatest achievement from last year: 
Getting a metal from school And play rugby outside of school

Subjects taken this term:

Maths  and english   hurumanu 4


Chemistry and science hurumanu 3 


PE hurumanu 7

Health hurumanu 8

biological study





Academic Goals 
Short term (this term):
I will like to learn 20 new word in japanese

I will like to try new math skills  

I will like to finish all my work 

I will like to read lots of books 

Long Term (whole year):

I will like to learn 20 new word in japanese

I will like to try new math skills  

Non-academic goal (can be out of school):

My goal out of school is to play rugby and netball, basketball. I will like to play more sports 

What are my learning strengths
(Refer to Year 10 Graduate Profile)
What are my learning work ons
(Refer to Year 10 Graduate Profile)
  I am adaptable and I can recognise more than one way  to approach a problem.
I demonstrate a growth mindset by being open to new ideas, I see failures as opportunities for learning.
I can reflect on my prior knowledge and experiences to make sense of new learning
I can think outside the square
I can identify a problem and possible solutions.

  • I understand and respect my own, my peers, and my school’s culture #manahoromaka
  • I show awareness of tikanga and can act appropriately in different social settings
  • I acknowledge and value the beliefs and opinions of others and show respect when they are different from my own.
  • I am considerate of others and can work as an inclusive member of a team
  • I can manage my own emotions and empathise with others
  • I am an outstander - I choose to help others who are having a difficult time.

What will my next steps be?

My next step will be to try to communicate more of what my ideas are to others and to see failures as opportunities for learning and lastly, ask question when i'm not really sure what to do.

How will I achieve this?

I will achieve this by … Trying my best and speaking  up 

Wellbeing - (this will be filled in later in the term after some learning around this has occurred)
Students will be asked to come up with a plan around how they could improve their wellbeing and ideas on how to measure this so they know improvements are happening.

We will come back to this later. 

End of term reflection

Come back later