
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Year 7 Sailing

On Friday all of  the year 7 and some of the year 8 .Went to Roto Kohatu lake for sailing. We were listening to the sailing instructors like how to put the boats to together and we put them in the water. All of the  people  that were in my group were having a try at sailing. Some of the kids were helping and bringing the boat on the shallow land. After morning tea we had a swim then we grab the other boats. 


  1. Hi Shanarnia!, hope you had a great holiday!, by the way your blog post is lovely because I like the way you included the picture in your post and next time, can you please add more details, like who you seated with in the bus and etc.

  2. Hi Shanarnia!
    This is so interesting I like how you added what everyone was doing.
    Next time you should add more information.

  3. hello shanarnia i like how you added this picture in your post however your punctuation could use some work but really good post

  4. Hi Shanarnia, This is a really good blog post. I liked how you explained how you put the boat together and you swam. Maybe nest time you could write a little more about what you did.


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